Thursday, March 24, 2011

The day is ending.... and what a day it has been!

Let's see... where do I begin?
Last night when we went to bed, Paul was complaining that his upper back was hurting him. Although he was feeling a bit better this morning, he decided to take a sick day and stay home. I will NEVER complain about a day at home with Paul.

Paul left around 8 am for a 9 am Dr's apt with Dr. Carson. Dr. Carson is the ortho surgeon who fixed his leg after his motorcycle accident. Over the past couple weeks, I have noticed this small spot in Paul's leg sticking out. I bugged him enough about it and he made an apt to have it looked at. Lucky for Paul, it turned out to be nothing more then a soft muscle hematoma. Dr. Carson told him to not worry about it unless/ until it starts giving him constant trouble. YAY for good news!

I left for Walmart around the time time Paul left for town. I was in NEED of a Swiffer Vac. I feel as though we are going to drown in Harley's hair that collects along the base boards of the house. It drive me insane. So, I purchased their last one and I have been anxiously awaiting it to finish charging so I can fight the hair battle! I feel a victory in my near future :)

Once we were home together again we did a little car maintenance. We both had lights out in our cars. Paul's rear blinker was out and my front headlight was out. It was such a relief to have both of those lights FINALLY fixed. My light has been out since August. I was pretty tired of driving with my brights on. I cannot stand driving with 1 head light. Plus I think it is very unsafe! After the lights were replaced, we had lunch and then headed to the basement to continue out task of organizing/ sorting/ pitching everything down there. It's amazing how much stuff you can throw away when you go by the theory "If you have not looked at it or though about it in 8 months, You don't need it". Of course minus sentimental items. Now that the basement is in (more) order, we can finally empty our spare bedroom that has somehow become the inside storage unit. UGGG, I hate having stuff stored all over the house. Anyway, After an hour or so, we called it quits. Another day... another... bag of trash!

While we were working in the basement, we realized Harley was acting a little strange. He was dragging his butt all over the place. I know that this is NOT a normal act so I called the vet to see if it was something we should be concerned about. We also noticed a couple days ago that he had some blood in his poo. When I spoke to the vet, she said we should probably bring him in. OH MY GOSH, I was NOT ready for that vet visit. I took him in to have his hiney looked at and we left with the following:
1. They drew blood to check for heart worms
2. Heart worm medication
3. Blood test for some tick infection which he tested positive for :( Boo
4. medication to treat the tick infection
5. medication for a parasite that is "probably" in his tummy which is contributing to his poo problems
6. he had swollen anal glands (ewwww, i know) so they had to squeeze them and release all the nastyness that was apparently in them.
BUT, we did get a FREE puppy tooth bruch and chicken flavored tooth paste. YAY FOR US! I hope his tooth paste is good b/c I can't afford to eat for a week now.. j/k!

BUT, good news is that he is a healthy 37.1 lbs :) AND, everyone at the vet loved him (as always). He's such a good boy. We are lucky to have such a good puppy!

While we were at the vet, out new fridge was delivere. It is quite a bit smaller then the nasty one we had before but it's fine fine fine with us. We love knowing that our food is not sitting in other people's funk now. I could not have cleaned that fridge enough to make me feel ok about it.

After the fridge was stocked again, we took Harley for his nightly walk and now we are sitting on the couch watching the BYU/Florida NCAA game. GO BYU!!!!!

So, that was out day. I'm exhausted. Good night everyone.

Much love,

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