Friday, October 16, 2015

10 months old

Well... My little princess is 10 months old already and I can honestly say this has been the most challenging month yet ( besides her 1st month 😂). Afton is either pure joy or pure terror and I am not sure what to do!  She loves to play and she is extremely independent when she is playing. She does very well entertaining herself when I am busy with other things. Sleeping and eating are two TOTALLY different stories. I have never seen a baby  who hates eating as much as this little girl. She has finally decided that shells and cheese are not pure poison so that is what we typically eat at least 1 meal a day right now. She enjoys bananas so that is usually breakfast and she likes crunch berry cereal and Cookie Crisp cereal. I think she has also decided apple sauce is not the most disgusting thing ever... So yay for that... I guess. Sleeping has been HORRIBLE. When she started teething she decided she no longer enjoyed sleeping in her crib so we have been fighting with the "do we force her crib on her and get zero sleep or let her sleep with us and get a tiny bit of sleep?"  We have been trying to do both but tonight we are implementing the Cry it out method. Am I ready for a week of pure hell???  Ummm.... No but neither can I have a baby who down right refuses to sleep in her crib. This mommy is 100% worn out. I feel like a new mom again. In case you do not believe that my beautiful princess has a hysterical side... Here is proof. 
This right here is my life at the moment. Heaven help me. Poor thing cut her first tooth about 3 weeks ago and is getting ready to cut her second, right next door to the first one. I know she is miserable and I hate that there is only so much I can do to help. Being a mom is hard work. I find myself telling Paul more and more that he needs to quit his job and I'll go to work full time if that means I get to be the one who sleeps at night and who gets to start my day by having lunch with my work buddies. 
Setting all the hardships aside, amazing things are happening in Afton's life and I'm thankful I get to witness them.  She is pulling up on everything and she is starting to wave at people from time to time. She is babbling up a storm and we are sure she will have a lot to say when the time is right, lol. She is starting to show some interest in walking with the assistance of us holding her fingers. 
Recently we had Pauls older sister Kaylyn and her 3 girls (Corin, Kendall and Skylar) visit for 2 1/2 weeks from Arizona. I sobbed like a baby when she left a few days ago. I hate having my dear friend so far away. We had such a wonderful time! We hosted a baby shower for my sis in law Randi and I had so much fun making the decorations!!! 
Randi got some wonderful gifts!!!  Baby Elliott is going to be very spoiled 😂😂. I loved having Afton's cousins here. Gosh I miss them! 
Afton and Skylar ready for bath time! 
I will post a few more pictures later this week when I get copies from Kaylyn. We were pretty bad about getting pictures this trip!  We were so crazy busy most of the time!!!  
Well, I think that's all the big news for now. Paul has some training coming up in a couple weeks near Virginia Beach. 
I hope all is well with those who read my blog!