Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Ode to Little Debbie Swiss Rolls

Oh little swiss roll
how I love your creamy filling
rolled up in chocolate goodness
oh how you make me fat
- LQ

That's my poem for the day :)
I have talked and talked and talked some more about how frustrated I am at the reality that over the past 16 months of marriage I have gained right at 13 lbs. Most people would say that's not a huge deal but to me it is. I view myself totally differently now that I have put that weight on. Starting tomorrow, Paul and I are going to get up every morning an hour early and go for a 3 mile walk. He's been wanting to drop a few lbs that he has also gained. There is no better way to lose the weight then to do it together.

I've been rolling around in my mind the past several days, why it is so darn difficult to get motivated to lose these 13 lbs. For those of you who don't know my weight-loss story... In September 2008, I weighted right at 213 lbs. After moving in with my mom in February 2009 I found I was dropping weight like crazy. I got down to about 170 without any effort and then started walking the rest of the weight off. By September 2009 I was down to 145 lbs. That's a 68 lb weight loss in 7 short months. When Paul and I got married I felt AMAZING!!! I remember standing in my bedroom in running shorts and sports bra and thought DANG I look good :) Somewhere in the past 16 months I've lost that "dang" feeling!!! I WANT IT BACK!

Soooooooooooo, Paul and I are going to start walking and I am going to stop eating the Little Debbie snacks that are adding the chunky to my chunky butt.

My little sister is graduating from college in April 2012 and I want more than anything to buy a cute cute cute dress for her graduation and feel really good about myself in family pictures.

Tomorrow is "D" day! Bring on the hunger pains, snack cravings and my "i could kill someone for a mnt dew" attitude :) BRING-IT-ON!!!!!!

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