Wednesday, October 5, 2011

I often wonder...

Why we spend our time watching shows we have no interest in to begin with? I hate sushi! And yet, I spent the past hour of my life watching how to make sushi at home on Giada at Home. I cannot imagine eating something with raw fish in it. I can't bring myself to eating 99.9% of all cooked seafood. Sushi takes my mind to the movie Cast Away. I don't know if I could have survivied on raw crab. It makes my skin squirm just thinking about it. Paul loves sushi... so it must tast good to some people. Not me! NOTE: I did try it once when Paul and I went to dinner and I could not gag it down. I physically was unable to swallow it.

I am feeling horribly lazy today. I did go to Walmart when Paul left for work to purchase a book to read on my flight Friday. I ended up buying a book about a little boy who died during surgery, came back to life and tells his story about his time in heaven. Coming from a very strong LDS background, I often wonder if it is actually possible for us to remember such a thing, or if Heavenly Father would cause the veil to remove those memories from our minds. I am very anxious to read this book. My cousin was very sick as a little girl and was in a coma for a period of time. When she came out of her coma, she told my mom that she had seen my sister Erin who had passed away a short time earlier. Children are so young an innocent. I believe the veil may be thinner for them. Just a thought.

As some of you know, we were scheduled to have a showing of our house a couple weeks ago. Well, after hours of cleaning and painting and cleaning and a little sleeping and yard work, the house looked amazing and then the showing got cancelled. BUMMER! At least it pushed us to get the house super duper clean :) Although I am not giving up hope that the house will either be sold or under contract by January, Paul and I telling ourselves that we will HOPEFULLY be in Wyoming in April (ish) looking at different cities, police departments and hopefully Paul will be testing during that visit. Although a move out west would take us far away from Paul's family in Virginia... I cannot help but to be excited at the idea of being closer to my family. It would put us within driving distance from my oldest brother in South Dakota and that almost gives me butterflies. I know it will all work out one way or the other.

One of my dearest friends ( Sabrina) is moving to Washington DC in a month or two. This really excites me! She has been a very good friend since I was a freshman in HS. She is originally from Oklahoma City, OK but went to college in Missouri where I lived at the time. I am looking forward to finally having a friend within driving distance of me.

I am leaving for Missouri on Friday. It seems like I technically leave tomorrow because I will sleep from 5-11 pm, wake up in time to spend a couple hours with Paul when he get's home from work and then leave my house around 3 am to meet Randi at her house and ride to the airport with her. My flight leaves at 6:45 am and I SHOULD land in St. Louis around 9:45. 4 hour flight with 1 layover in Ohio somewhere. Not too shabby. Coming home will be not so fun though. I have 2 layovers and it's going to take me 7 hours to get home. Let's hope and pray the St. Louis airport does NOT get his by a tornado this time. I have been going back and fourth as to whether or not I should pack tonight or tomorrow. Sigh... I think I will go ahead and try to get it done tonight. The great thing about short trips is that I get to travel with just a carry on and a back pack :) Can't get much better then that!

Well people who read this, I think that's about it for now. I'll post more after my trip home.
Liz Quillon

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am so excited to be moving out there. It will probably around Nov 1st, if not a couple days earlier. I can't wait to see you and hang out. It is going to be fabulous having such a great friend so close by!