Wednesday, February 2, 2011

It's already February

It was a BEAUTIFUL 62 degrees in Charlottesville, Va today. The sky was blue and the tempeature was simply amazing. It was a nice change from the freezing cold days we have been experiencing this winter.

My family in Missouri has been hit hard by a recent winter storm. They have gotten on average 13 inches of snow over the past coule days. My mom had to dig herself out of her driveway after the county snow plow man did an amazing job of dumping all the snow at the end of her driveway. I'm so thankful I am not in Missouri right now!

Paul had his interview with the County PD last Thursday. It seemed to have gone well. He filled out a lot of paper work so they could begin his back ground investigation. We are anxious for them to finish that so they can take the next step. We will let you all know what we find out.

Paul goes in next Thursday for his disspability rating for his leg from his motorcycle accident he was involved in. It's hard to believe it's been over a year since his accident. I'm guessing they are going to give him a 75% dissability rating. We will see how close I am.

Well, that's all I know for now.


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