This has been quite the past few weeks. My mind has been stuck in a state of sheer frustration. I'm frustrated for so many reasons. Because of this frustration I have decided to take a 62 day sabbatical from Facebook. I'm
13 days in and I am finally feeling disconnected from the world in a positive way. When did we become a society that is consumed by technology and especially social media? I still post to Instagram but while on this sabbatical I am only posting pictures of Afton (for my family) and quotes that express my feelings about life (the good,bad and ugly). It's been an enjoyable experience so far. Why 62 days you might ask... According to my count down app on my phone there were 62 days until moving day. So... I'll re-join the Facebook world when we get moved into our apartment and settled. See you in 49 days!
This past Thursday was QUITE the day. Afton started off the day falling on a slab of concrete at our friends house!!! New flip flops on a baby who is still not solid on her feet did not mix. Then she had her 15 month appointment (I'll go into that more next). After her appointment we went to SAMs club for a hot dog and a little shopping. I asked Paul if he wanted to take Afton up to his mom for a bit while I was working on a project. Afton apparently went scooting through the kitchen before Paul had a chance to close the door to the basement and Afton fell down the flight of stairs.
Poor little baby girl fell face down on the tile floor and was hysterical to say the least. I scooped her up and held her while she cried. My hands were shaking so bad. I put pressure on her arms and legs. I felt up and down her spine and then took my flash light to check her pupil response. She seemed to be ok. When we noticed some bruising on her face we decided to take her to urgent care to have her looked over just in case we were missing something. Thankfully she was given a clean bill of health.
Her 15 month appointment went really well. We have a new pediatrician since ours retired at the start of the year. The new doctor is very nice. Afton is saying the minimum number of words for her age (momma,daddy,fish). She has only gained 0.4lbs since her 9 month appointment so the dr wants her on whole milk for a while. Afton goes through hunger strikes so we are working through that frustration. She is 31 in tall is very healthy. She officially has 4 teeth!!! Lol. On Thursday she got 4 shots so that has her feeling cruddy before she fell down the stairs. Thursday was a LONG day!!!!! Dr Szwedo thinks her vocabulary will explode over the next few months and that once we are in our own place, she will begin to form better meal time habits.
I'm getting so excited about our move. I am keeping myself busy by working on some craft projects to give our apartment some color and personality.
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