Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Thanksgiving 2015

Dear family and friends,
Happy Thanksgiving to each of you. I hope tomorrow is simply amazing. This Thanksgiving is such a special one for me. As I have pondered what I want to put in my letter I find myself unsure as to where to begin. 

This is Afton's first Thanksgiving. I have been laughing a lot this week because this should technically be her second Thanksgiving... Considering she was due November 23 but did not grace us with her presence until December 4. This time last year I was 200% miserable!  I was so ready for her to arrive, lol.  This past (almost) year with her has been amazing. She is such a joy. I am not exactly sure how I was blessed with a baby who is THIS easy. Sure...we have our rotten days. She has so much sass in her but I love it. She is going to have an extremely dynamic personality. Afton Rebecca has brought so much joy to our family!  I knew I would love my child but I never knew I would love her THIS much. Maybe it's because I wanted to be a mom so badly and becoming a mother was not an easy process for me. I'm so blessed to be her mom!!! This year I am extra thankful that we live in a time when infertility does not mean you will never have a biological child. My journey to become a mother was my own personal hell. But with that said, I am thankful I had an amazing doctor who was willing to do an exploratory laparoscopy and was able to remove the endometriosis she found. I'm thankful she was prompted to suggest we immediately start taking the fertility pills to optimize our chances of getting pregnant. I'm thankful she took the time out of her incredibly busy schedule to call me personally and talk about my monthly blood work and always gave me hope that the surgery and the medication would actually work. Being a mother is such a gift. 

I am not sure how to put into words how blessed I am to me married to my amazing husband. We celebrated our 5th wedding anniversary this past July. It has been the best 5 years of my life. I never knew Married life could be so easy!!  Paul and I are not perfect individuals but we are perfect together. I am so blessed that he has offered to work crazy overtime hours so I can be a stay at home mom to our princess. I am blessed that Paul is not a fighter. We do not agree on everything that is going on in the world but we do not fight. I'm sure we so roll our eyes from time to time when the other isn't looking, lol 🙄. I know people say it's cheesy but he really is my best friend. I ❤️❤️❤️ him!!!! 
My life this past year has not been exactly what what I expected. 2 years ago we were living at his parents house while they served a 12 month mission for our church... And now we are back, lol. Pauls dad has had some health issues come up so we agreed to move in for 12-24 months to help with the happenings around the house while he and my mother in law get him back to his old ( not literally) self. Paul and I have amazing dreams for our family. We know where we would like to be a year from now so I am excited to see what the next year holds.  I don't know if our desires for our future are the same desires that Heavenly Father has for us but we will find out I guess!!! 

I constantly wonder why Heavenly Father has found me fit for the blessings that have come into my life. I often focus more on where I slip up than I do on what I do right... But my life is proof that Heavenly Father finds me more worthy of his blessings than I do. 

I am so incredibly excited to see what this next year will bring. I'm sure it will be just as amazing as this past year. 

I hope this finds you all healthy and happy!  Please be safe as you travel to spend time with those you love!!

Lots of love, 
Liz Quillon 

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