Morning sickness has been nothing but a huge suck fest and then there are the headaches...
I totally understand that you should limit the "toxic" medications that you put into your body and believe me when I say I do not want my baby coming out with a 3rd eye or a tiny tail... but how on earth am I expected to function on a daily basis when there are people EVERYWHERE ready and willing to throw their opinion at me about how terrible it is that I am putting Tylenol into my body or that I am actually allowing my Dr to put me on medication for these pain in the butt migraines. I'd like to point out that I have honestly tried alternative ways to manage my headaches.... including pressure points, heat, ice, chiropractic adjustments, increasing my water, decreasing my caffeine, sleeping more, hot showers, luke warm baths, buying a massage pillow, switching pillows and I'm sure the list could continue. I am not in a position right now where I can up and quit my job and I cannot spend every day off between now and who knows when the pain will stop, laying in bed in tears with my zip lock bags b/c the headaches make keeping the food that my zofran actually allows me to eat down virtually impossible. I do appreciate every ones concern but please understand that not everyone has the same pain threshold. And, a bad headache is NOT a migraine... God bless you if you have never had a true migraine. I knew when I got pregnant that my headaches would either get worse or better... I prayed for better (obviously) but instead, they got worse. Yay me!
End of rant!
Ok, so on a lighter note :) WE ARE MOVED! Wednesday was moving day for us and it went off without a hitch. Our amazing Missionaries met us at our new apartment and between the two of them and Paul, they were able to get everything up 3 flights of stairs and I did not have to lift a finger. I did have to help Paul load the truck but we had a dolly that was such a life saver for the both of us. Our apartment is wonderful. It's right at 1000 sq ft, 2 bedrooms, 1 bathroom, decent size kitchen and I have to say I LOVE having a bath tub again. As soon as we get the spare bedroom put together and finish unpacking our boxes (hopefully by Tuesday) I will take pictures and post them. Yesterday our furniture was delivered. Our living room looks amazing with our new couch and love seat and the dining room has a purpose now that we have a kitchen table. Paul and I decided to go with the tall table and chairs so Harley could not rest his head on our knees and beg for food during dinner. We had friends over for dinner last night and it was humorous to watch how frustrated he got once he realized he could not get all up in our space. Poor puppy! Speaking of Harley... I have to admit that he has had a difficult year. He went from living in the Lake house for 2 1/2 years and loving it there to being moved to a basement that he hated to now being in our apartment that he is REALLY unsure of. Nothing is familiar to him besides his bed. When we moved in we bought new bedding so our bedroom no longer smells like our bedroom. Hopefully within the next couple weeks he will settle in and realize that this is his new home :)
Baby Q is apparently the size of a green olive right now. I am not really showing quite yet. I will take my 10 wk 1 day picture on Monday and post that one along with my 8 wk 1 day pic on my next post. None of my pants fit and I am noticing my scrub tops are getting a little snug around the waste. I will probably be ordering maternity scrub tops in about a month so i am more comfortable at work. We have an apt tomorrow morning at 9:20 and I really hope we are able to hear the heart beat this time. My first ultrasound was so early we were not able to hear it. That would be such a nice sound right about now. Just knowing that everything sounds good and healthy :)
Well, I guess I will go. I hope this post finds everyone happy and healthy!
1 comment:
Don't let what anyone says to you get to you, I know it is easier said than done. I had stress migraines with Izzy and also had no choice to feed my body a "toxic" pill of Tylenol. We must get relief when we can! How we can!
Be prepared for the doubling or tripling tata size in the beginning or middle of your 2nd trimester (14-20 weeks). My pants stopped fitting comfortably early too but didn't really start showing until 16-20weeks.
You will do amazing! No criticizing from this lady! I do have an abundance of pregnancy knowledge bc I've had too many complications, especially during this pregnancy.
I'm here if you need or want to talk.
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