May is very quickly coming to an end. I quite Skyline Cleaners 1 month ago and have been looking for a job since the day I quit. I have always bragged about my continual luck when searching for jobs. I tell everyone that the Lord has always provided the perfect job for me at the perfect time. I am thrilled to say that I was once again blessed with the perfect job offer. Early last week Paul and I were each on our laptops looking online for CNA job openings in the Charlottesville/ Palmya/ Lake Monticello area. I thought I had submitted applications at EVERY nursing home/ hospital/hospice/home health company within a reasonable distance from our house. Well, as we were sitting there searching for jobs, Paul asked me if I had applied for Rosewood Village in C'Ville. I went through the list in my mind and the name did not sound familiar. He said that they had an opening posted on Craigslist for an evening CNA. Since Paul had accepted an evening shift job, I had been on the search for a job that would allow us to work the same (aprox) hours. SOOO... I was very excited to hear that there was a CNA opening for evening shift in Charlottesville. The next day, I drove to C'ville and applied for the postion. I'll be honest, I did not leave holding my breath. The job market is so thin right now I knew there would be 1000 people applying for the same job. But, with faith, I submitted my application and headed home. Well, the next morning I woke up and had a voice message on my cell phone. It was Rosewood Village. They wanted me to come in an officially interview with them. I drove to C'ville later that day and met with their hiring manager. He said he was very impressed by my application and experience. He told me that the position that they are filling is a PRN position. PRN means as needed. Most people would be concerned by this, but there are several bonuses. 1, although I will rairly be on the official schedule, nursing homes have a very high call out rate. People are always calling in sick for one reason or the other. 2, there is typcially a pay differnce for working PRN. 3, if I find that Paul and I are not often off together, I can decide to stay home on a particular day without having to call in sick or call and have someone cover my shift. It's kinda like I am my own boss. From the sounds of it, I may be working every Friday 3p-11p but the rest of the week, I will fill in where needed. All in All, I am VERY excited about this job offer. I love working in the nursing field and am excited to use my skill once again. I go in tomorrow to fill out paper work and look at the schedule and see when I can start working. I'll keep you posted :)
Paul is still loving his job. He was able to bring the cop car home last Thursday after his shift. Our driveway is a little full with cars for now. We have the Impala, Taurus and now the police car. I bought Paul a stuffed TY Beanie Baby pig for his car when he was offered the job.... I was really excited to see him take it with him today. I hope it reminds him of how much I love him and that I am always thinking about him!
Harley is doing great. He stopped eating his dog food for a little over a week and we noticed he was losing weight. I think we have finally found a dog food mix that he enjoys. We are having to mix wet food with dry food once a day. I can tell he's started to fill out again. He looks good. This morning he got a very special treat. Paul and I woke up for church at 7 and Paul was having a horrible pain in his back. After getting up to get Paul the heating pad and some pain meds, I let Harley snuggle up with me on my side of the bed so he would not bother Paul! We got about 5 more hours of sleep and besides a few moments where he woke me up snoring, he was so good. We have been tempted to buy a king size bed so he can sleep with us.... but we are not sure if that is such a good idea.
Life in Virginia is great :) I was able to go to a friends high school graduation yesterday and the weather was beautiful for it. I have really realized the past week or so that I live in such a beautiful part of the country. I am so blessed to be able to call Virginia home!
I hope everyone is doing well!
1 comment:
what a fabulous update! it is so good to hear that things are going well for you. i miss you tons!!! love you!
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