To my WONDERFUL husband Paul (tomorrow)!!!!!! Paul is turning the big 27 :) I am so excited that I am in Virginia this year to celebrate his Birthday with him. I am also very excited to be able to spoil him this weekend. He is so wonderful to me all the time, this is the least I can do to show him how special he is! I love him so much and am anxious for MANY MANY MANY more years of Birthday celebrations!!! I purchased two 1/2 cakes from a local grocery store yesterday. One is chocolate and the other is a carrot cake. I have to admit that we have already broken into both of the cakes and they are very yummy! Tomorrow we will continue working on the cake and I can FINALY give Paul his Birthday gifts. I know he will not look at this post between now and when I give him his stuff so I can tell you what I got him. His favorite college team is University of Wyoming. Soooo. I got him a U of Wy hat (he pretty much knows he's getting that since it's the only thing he asked for), a U of Wy blanket for the couch and a St. Louis baseball t shirt (Thanks Dad again for mailing to me). The shirt is maily for the Cardinals game we are going to in 3 weeks (from yesterday!!!!!) when we are back in Missouri :)
Speaking of Birthday's... my oldest sisters 32nd Birthday was last Sunday. This Birthday is so bitter sweet for my family. Erin Rebecca Stone passed away on September 4th, 1982. She was just 3 1/2 years old. For some reason, her birthday was very difficult for everyone in my family this year. My oldest brother was 6 years old when she passed away and John was only 8 months old. I was born 1 year (almost exactly to the day) of her death (Sept 1st, 1983). I told my mom Sunday that I wish I would have known her. Mom said something to me that has been in my mind since... she said "You do know her, You are a lot like her". I felt so honored to hear my mom tell me that I know her. In so many ways, I feel like I do know her. I have always felt a closeness to my older sister. Before I moved to Virginia, I found great peace sitting by her grave site in the Grand View Cemetary in Hannibal, Mo. Many would say that was strange, but if you ever got to see the cemetary, you would understand why I love it there. It's simply beautiful. After mom told me that Erin and I are very similar, it has made me wonder where in my life I need to make changes. If we truly are similar, I want to represent the person she would have been.
Paul was given some good news this week regarding his possible (now likely) job change to the County PD. He got a call Monday from the Sec. of the County Chief requesting a meeting on Wednesday. Wednesday Paul met with him and was given a conditional job offer. He then underwent a poly test and psych eval on Thursday and a physical on Friday. Everything looks good to go so we are anxious for him to get his official job offer sometime this week. He deserves this job change. It's something he really wants!
Once everthing is set in stone, I believe I will begin to look for a new job. I would 1. like a job closer to home hopefully and 2. there are certain companies that I have no business being a part of. I struggle feeling the spirit when I am there. Between the catty talk and the foul language, I have realized that there are other places that I would feel more comfortable working. Several weeks ago, I have an encounter with one of our owners. I was spoken to in a way that was far from appropriate and if Paul would have gotten his way, I would have quit that very moment. I am hopeful that the Lord will guide me in the direction that I need to go. He has always guided me when it comes to my employment, I will lean on him once again.
We are leaving for Missouri in 19 days. My trip home could not have come at a better time. Mom called me the other day wondering if I would be interested in coming home for my brother John's graduation. I am VERY much looking forward to both of those trips. I need some mommy time. I have not been home for almost 6 months. It's time. I need to go home!
Well, I believe that is all I have for now. Happy April to everyone and I hope you have a wonderful weekend. If you are LDS and have the chance to watch General Conference, I hope you feel as touched by the speakers as I have been.
1 comment:
I had NOOOOO idea that Paul was a Wyoming fan! Where did that come from?? He and my dad would get along REALLY well. And we have a blanket that looks almost exactly like the one you bought for Paul!
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