Monday, September 5, 2016

21 months and life

Afton turned 21 months old 2 days ago. 3 months until my baby girl is TWO!!!  I cannot believe it. She keeps me on my toes. She can be the sweetest princess one minute and a mean little thing the next. Paul and I call her a sour patch kid. Her favorite words are mom, thank you & shoe. She loves the 
A: "mom"
Me: "what?"
A: "mom" 
Me: "what?"
Game. We play it for hours some days. Favorite foods are: cold oatmeal, hot dogs, nuggets, lasagna, Mac and cheese, and cereal. She hates: all juices, pancakes and wearing shoes. She is in love with her baby dolls and her bouncy pony. She has a little training potty that she carries all over the apartment (we don't use it yet). She LOVES lotion and freaks out if you take it away from her. She gives the best kisses and has the most impressive death stare. She has worn the same size diaper for almost a year and is finally growing out of a few of her 12-18 month clothes. She LOVES to take a bath and is obsessed with washing her feet. She walks Harley with Paul almost every night. She is still sleeping from 8:30 pm until around 9:00 am. Her afternoon naps have shortened from 3 solid hours to 2 ish. I'm not ready for her to grow out of afternoon naps. Her hair is seriously soooo beautiful. She has such pretty blonde curls. 

I love this little girl. She wears my patients extremely thin some days, but I am incredibly thankful that I get to stay home with her during the day. 

We were given a referral from our pediatrician to have a speech therapist come in to evaluate Afton. About 6 weeks ago they came and did a 3 hour long eval and we were told that she is talking more on a 9-12 month old level. She was using roughly 5 words and was not stacking blocks more than 2 high. Now, 6 weeks later I am VERY pleased with her progress. She is using approximately 25 words on a daily basis. My mom was here for 3 weeks and working with her every single day. She is now stacking blocks 7 high before she knocks them over. She loves building "mountains". The speech therapist uses Afton's baby dolls a lot during our sessions since Afton's is always willing to engage when it come to swaddling and rocking her babies. It's a sight!!!! Our goal is 30 words by the time she turns 2 and I am really confident we will exceed that goal!!!  

Tomorrow I am going to try to get some pictures of Afton. She will not sit still to save my life so getting non action pictures are darn near impossible. 

Paul has been incredibly busy at work and now that football season has officially started.... I'll see my husband sometime around thanksgiving. Lol. Life as an LEO wife is not all glitter and rainbows at times. But I'm still SO proud of my man and incredibly thankful that he is willing to work as hard as he does to support our little family. 

If you read my previous blog, you know that I have been in a really sad place over the past several months. I have been doing a lot of soul searching. I have put faith in places where faith is lacking and I have a "God, prove to me that you hear me" attitude. Paul and my journey to add a second baby to our family has been incredibly sad and discouraging. Over the past few months I have been pretty open with our journey but for now I am choosing to be fairly private. If you have dealt with infertility, miscarriages and fertility treatments (of any kind), you will probably understand why I'm keeping things private. 

I am finding peace in areas of my life that have not been at all peaceful recently. I am working through the sadness that comes with knowing my family will always live farther away than I would like. They are my support. They are my dearest friends. They are the people I love the most. But... With that said... I am looking forward to forming friendships with people here in VA. Paul works with wonderful men and they have amazingly wonderful wives. I look forward to forming relationships with them. I am  excited to start house hunting this winter. We still have our eye set on Waynesboro and I feel a sense of peace when I am there. We will see where the wind blows us. I know that I have wonderful things to look forward to in the future.