Well... it finally happened! I am officially 29 years old... boooo! I am happy to say I believe I only shed 2 tears though :) That's a huge improvement from last
year, haha! For my birthday this year, Paul and I went to the beach! Virginia
Beach to be exact. It was so beautiful while we were there. We had a great time floating around in the ocean for several hours and then headed to the hotel to
swim in their indoor pool :) It's amazing how relaxing it is to know we don't have dishes to do or a dog to walk/entertain, etc. After swimming we showered, changed and headed to Olive Garden for dinner. Oh my gosh I ate so much food! The Tour of Italy is my favorite thing to eat there and that's exactly what I got!!!! Paul insisted on ordering the bow-tie cheesecake to share and I thought I was going to explode right there at the dinner table! We had such a nice time at dinner! After dinner we enjoyed the peace and quiet of our hotel room. Our bed was AMAZING!!!! It felt like we were sleeping on a huge pillow! If I could have strapped it to the top our our Corolla without anyone noticing, I would have done it in a second. That bama was awesome! Sunday had breakfast at the restaurant in the hotel and headed back in Lake Monticello (Where we live) It takes about 3 hours to get to the beach from our house. We spent the rest of the evening watching movies and relaxing at home together :) I could not have asked for a more wonderful weekend with my amazing husband.
I forgot to mention... Paul had BEAUTIFUL pink lilies sent to me at work the day before my birthday! He had such a sweet note attached to them :) I've love watching them open up as the week has progressed! Now they are on their last leg... so by the end of the week they will be going in the trash. I'm going to press some of the peddles before I throw them away though! Put them in my journal!
My AMAZING/WONDERFUL/AWESOME Sister-in-law Randi came to our house while we were gone to house sit and entertain our puppy. We call Randi Harley's girlfriend. I swear, when we ask him "Where's Randi", he looks around like he's trying to find her. He sure does love her! Randi's boyfriend Jonathan spent a lot of time here with Randi and Harley and I know that made Harley as happy as a pig in mud :) Thank you two so so much for being so great with him and never turning down an opportunity to spend quality time with our hairy child :)
Paul bought me a VERY cute pair of rain boots the Monday after our trip. I took Labor Day off since he already had the day off so we could spend an extra day together. With our schedules, we only have 3 days off a month together so when we have the chance to have a 3 day weekend together, we take full advantage of it! It's sad when I'm excited to have 4 days off together in the same month, lol :)

I finally found a way to upload pix onto my blog from my laptop. A virus screwed up my laptop BIG-TIME several months ago and it's finicky when it comes to pictures. Anyway... long story short... I am actually able to upload the pix of my incision from my Melanoma surgery back in July. I need to take pix of the scar and post those. Maybe this week when I have time to get my hands on the camera. For those of you who have been asking: I am doing really really well! My scar is driving me CRAZY though. It itches like you would not believe and the only thing I have found that gives me any relief is Gold Bond Medicated Powder. If I rub it on my leg after getting out of the shower, I am able to make it several hours without any annoyance. From time to time I can feel the scar pulling and that actually hurts. I have bumped it into beds, etc at work several times and it H.U.R.T.S! From what I understand, it's totally normal and will get better as time goes by. Paul said he had the same problem with the scar on his leg after his motorcycle accident. Apparently it's nerve endings..blah blah blah! I have an appointment to meet with my dermatologist sometime in January... or is it February??? Not exactly sure :) Sometime around then, haha.

Things are going really well in Virginia :) Paul's job is great! A little over a month ago, he applied to be on the Defensive Tactics Instructor team and was accepted! YAY for my MAN! He has to spend 7 business days at the police academy for training. He was scheduled to go at the end of this upcoming week but due to a lack of officers taking the class, it has been reschedules to a date that is TBD. It was a bummer finding out he will have to wait to go to training but it's still a huge success :) I am so proud of him. The past week or so we have also been discussing whether or not he should apply for the Riot Squad in his department. It's a new government funded program in larger police departments all over the US. He would have to travel to Alabama for training sometime next year. I believe it was Friday when he actually submitted his application. He will be interviewed for the team. Hopefully that will take place in the next couple months so we will know if he will be heading to AL in the spring/summer! I think it would be a wonderful opportunity for him!
My job is great... which is a strange way of putting it when I work in a Hospice House! It has been a very very very busy few weeks and I think my charge nurse and I are BOTH ready for a long vacation :) I could not ask for a better job right now in my life. I feel so blessed every single day that God lead me to such an amazing job. I truly love hospice work and feel like this is my calling in life! There is no better feeling then working with a person/family during such a difficult time in their live/lives. Every single day I love going to work!
Today we celebrated 2 years since we adopted our beautiful baby boy Harley! We are so thankful to have him in our family. He is my bestest little buddy and I am so thankful Paul convinced me 2 years ago to give that skinny, ugly little dog a chance! Once we put some weight on him he sure turned into a beautiful dog!
Upcoming News: Paul and I are FINALLY heading to Missouri!!!!! YAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYA!!!!!!!!!!! We will be leaving Charlottesville, VA around midnight on November 12th and will HOPEFULLY be at my dad's house in Columbia, Missouri by 5pm on the 13th. We are stopping somewhere around St. Louis to have lunch with my friend Julie and her daughter Kate. By the time November comes, It will be 18 months since I have been to MO and 18 months since I have seen my dad. I am really looking forward to the trip. I am so excited to see all of my grandparents, spend some much needed time with other family/friends and meet my mom's friend Jay. Paul and I will be spending an evening in CoMo with my dad and I'm excited for the quality time with him. I'm thinking Fiddler on the Roof will be in order that night!!!! I love watching that movie with my dad and Paul's never seen it!
Well everyone, that's all I can come up with right now :0) Life is pretty freaking amazing! I can't believe it's already the 9th of September! The year will be coming to a close before we know it. I'm fine with that though, after the hot hot hot summer we have had this year, I'm ready for winter and all the wonderful cold weather and/or snow that comes with it! Apparently VA is going to get hit hard with snow this year! I'm ready :0) BRING IT ON!
G'night everyone. I hope this upcoming week treats you well and I hope you are safe in your travels!