Sunday, October 31, 2010
Home Sweet Home :)
After quite the adventurous weekend, I am back in Virginia. Here is a re-cap of my weekend.
Wednesday night I was about to drive myself crazy trying to get out of work. I am a very obsessive compulsive packer and yet, I had not started the packing process by the time Wednesday rolled around. Thankfully, my awesome husband threw my clothes in the dryer and then folded them for me so all I really had to do was put them in my duffle bag. We got to bed around 10 and I set my alarm for 2 am.
Thursday morning I woke up to the sound of my dog chewing on his own foot. I tried to shoosh him but he would not stop. Sleep officially ended at that point. I got up at 2, got dressed and headed into Charlottesville, VA. It's about 30 minutes from my house. Paul's little sister Randi works for the airline I was flying with and she had to be at work at 4:30 so I drove to her house, left my car there for the weekend and drove to the airport with her. We arrived at the airport to 1st find out that my plane had not arrived and then 2nd to find out my flight was cancelled. BIG BUMMER!!!! Long frustrating story made a weeeee bit shorter, I ended up being Taxied from the Charlottesville,VA airport to the Richmond, VA airport. My entire ride to Richmond, I was texting Paul telling him I was not going to make it.... and he kept responding telling me I had plenty of time to make a 7 am flight. Yes, I have always struggled with having enough Faith! Our cab arrived at the airport at 6:42 am. I jumped out of the cab with my bad and booked it to security. Of course, I get stuck behind the ONE man (VERY questionalble looking I will add without saying he looked like a terrorist... shoot... oh well, I'm honest) who is trying to get a thermus of coffee through security. Guess what happens when you do that??? They have to test the liquid. Lucky for me they were quick about it. I was a nervous wreck! In the process of trying to get through security, 2 piolets and 2 flight attendants tried cutting in front of me. They very quickly were informed... by me... that I had a flight leaving in 10 minutes. They very quickly stepped aside and I made it through security. I went running across the Richmond airport with my blue jeans rolled up around my cowboy boots. I looked so stupid! I got to the gate right as the woman was getting ready to shut the door. She allowed me to board :) I go to my seat and we sat there. Several minutes later guess who arrived on my plane??? That's right, the questionable looking man. Coffee in hand! They held the plane for him. Better yet, he had the seat right next to me. And even BETTER.... he smelled like sweat and curry. It was horrible. The smell made me so sick! I made it to Charlotte, NC where I had a 2 1/2 hr layover. I landed in St. Louis a little before 1 pm.
Dad picked me up from the airport and we had a late lunch and ran some erronds. He bought me a new MIZZOU sweatshirt and winter hat and Paul a new MIZZOU ball cap. It was very nice of him!
Later Thursday I got to my moms, we went out for Italian and then went back to her house and just chatted. It was so nice! By the time I went to bed at 9, I was exhausted to say the least!
Friday we went grocery shopping, went to McDonalds to see the old men and the John and Meghan came to see me. We all went to Hannibal to run some erronds and I made chicken enchiladas for dinner. Grandma Becky had dinner with us and I really enjoyed our visit. I had a great time meeting John's girlfriend. She's so cute!
Saturday, Mom and I drove to St. Louis. She has a fish tha thas been sick for quite a while. I took her to Tropical World (my favorite Fish store). The told her they believe her fish is more stressed then sick. So, she bought a schooling fish so the bigger fish have something else to focus on instead of just this one poor fish. I also decided what I want to buy 1 puffer fish for my tank instead of getting multiple fish! I'm very excited at the though of finally getting my tank set up in the nearer future!
Saturday afternoon we went to the Apple Butter Festival in Kimswick, MO. We spend a few hrs looking at the different booths and ate some great food. We then went and checked into our hotel and went to the mall and then Red Robin for dinner. It was the perfect day and the perfect weekend.
I got hom at 2:40 this afternoon. Paul was able to pick me up and take me to get my car from his parents house. He had to work a concert tonight but I was able to see him for a couple hours before he had a to leave. I am really glad to get home and back in my own bed! I missed my husband and my puppy!
I hope everyone had a wonderful Halloween!
Wednesday night I was about to drive myself crazy trying to get out of work. I am a very obsessive compulsive packer and yet, I had not started the packing process by the time Wednesday rolled around. Thankfully, my awesome husband threw my clothes in the dryer and then folded them for me so all I really had to do was put them in my duffle bag. We got to bed around 10 and I set my alarm for 2 am.
Thursday morning I woke up to the sound of my dog chewing on his own foot. I tried to shoosh him but he would not stop. Sleep officially ended at that point. I got up at 2, got dressed and headed into Charlottesville, VA. It's about 30 minutes from my house. Paul's little sister Randi works for the airline I was flying with and she had to be at work at 4:30 so I drove to her house, left my car there for the weekend and drove to the airport with her. We arrived at the airport to 1st find out that my plane had not arrived and then 2nd to find out my flight was cancelled. BIG BUMMER!!!! Long frustrating story made a weeeee bit shorter, I ended up being Taxied from the Charlottesville,VA airport to the Richmond, VA airport. My entire ride to Richmond, I was texting Paul telling him I was not going to make it.... and he kept responding telling me I had plenty of time to make a 7 am flight. Yes, I have always struggled with having enough Faith! Our cab arrived at the airport at 6:42 am. I jumped out of the cab with my bad and booked it to security. Of course, I get stuck behind the ONE man (VERY questionalble looking I will add without saying he looked like a terrorist... shoot... oh well, I'm honest) who is trying to get a thermus of coffee through security. Guess what happens when you do that??? They have to test the liquid. Lucky for me they were quick about it. I was a nervous wreck! In the process of trying to get through security, 2 piolets and 2 flight attendants tried cutting in front of me. They very quickly were informed... by me... that I had a flight leaving in 10 minutes. They very quickly stepped aside and I made it through security. I went running across the Richmond airport with my blue jeans rolled up around my cowboy boots. I looked so stupid! I got to the gate right as the woman was getting ready to shut the door. She allowed me to board :) I go to my seat and we sat there. Several minutes later guess who arrived on my plane??? That's right, the questionable looking man. Coffee in hand! They held the plane for him. Better yet, he had the seat right next to me. And even BETTER.... he smelled like sweat and curry. It was horrible. The smell made me so sick! I made it to Charlotte, NC where I had a 2 1/2 hr layover. I landed in St. Louis a little before 1 pm.
Dad picked me up from the airport and we had a late lunch and ran some erronds. He bought me a new MIZZOU sweatshirt and winter hat and Paul a new MIZZOU ball cap. It was very nice of him!
Later Thursday I got to my moms, we went out for Italian and then went back to her house and just chatted. It was so nice! By the time I went to bed at 9, I was exhausted to say the least!
Friday we went grocery shopping, went to McDonalds to see the old men and the John and Meghan came to see me. We all went to Hannibal to run some erronds and I made chicken enchiladas for dinner. Grandma Becky had dinner with us and I really enjoyed our visit. I had a great time meeting John's girlfriend. She's so cute!
Saturday, Mom and I drove to St. Louis. She has a fish tha thas been sick for quite a while. I took her to Tropical World (my favorite Fish store). The told her they believe her fish is more stressed then sick. So, she bought a schooling fish so the bigger fish have something else to focus on instead of just this one poor fish. I also decided what I want to buy 1 puffer fish for my tank instead of getting multiple fish! I'm very excited at the though of finally getting my tank set up in the nearer future!
Saturday afternoon we went to the Apple Butter Festival in Kimswick, MO. We spend a few hrs looking at the different booths and ate some great food. We then went and checked into our hotel and went to the mall and then Red Robin for dinner. It was the perfect day and the perfect weekend.
I got hom at 2:40 this afternoon. Paul was able to pick me up and take me to get my car from his parents house. He had to work a concert tonight but I was able to see him for a couple hours before he had a to leave. I am really glad to get home and back in my own bed! I missed my husband and my puppy!
I hope everyone had a wonderful Halloween!
Sunday, October 17, 2010
My "I've got great boot boots"

I have the most amazing husband ever! The time has finally come and I not only own 1 great pair of boots, but 2 :) Paul and I drove to Harrisonburg, VA last Saturday and he bought me pair #1. They are so nice and very comfortable. When we got home from the family reunion he was looking at new boots for himself and he found pair #2 online. He asked me if I liked them and I said yes. What girl wouldn't love brown & pink boots! He ordered them and I got them on Friday. They are soooo comfortable and soooo cute! I love them and I love him!
Saturday, October 9, 2010
Happy 3 monthiversary to us
We have hit our 1/4 of a year mark. It amazing to me how quickly the time has flown by.
The past week has been quite eventful for us. Harley got shot in the rump by a pellet gun of some sort. That was quite fun (for him I'm sure) extracting. I thought for sure it was a tick (as I sat on the floor gagging at the thought of a nasty germ infested bug being burrowed into my puppy). Paul and I were both shocked to find it was in fact, not a tick, but a pellet. Poor puppy. We have watched the wound for a few days now and it seems to be healing up just fine without any medical attention. That's a relief! We are still not sure who was dumb enough to hurt our dog the 1st time... dang sure they won't be so lucky the 2nd time by getting away with it. Stupid neighborhood kids.
Today was Paul's family reunion. I was lucky enough to get a girl from work to switch weekend shifts with me so I could attend. It was wonderful having a weekend off with Paul. We got up early this morning and took Harley to his mom and dad's to run around while we drove to a boot shop in Harrisonburg, VA. I have been itching to get a pair of cowboy boots for quite some time and today was my lucky day. I found a pair that I really like. They are simple and brown. Nothing too fancy. So far, they fit great and I love having them on. After the boot shop, we picked the puppy up and headed over to the reunion. It was a great opportunity to meet a lot of Paul's family.
Not much else going on in our life at the moment. Church tomorrow and hopefully come home, lay on the couch and take a long Sunday nap. My goals for this next week are to 1. get my hair cut 2. FINALLY change my name and get a new drivers license 3. pick up my wedding dress from having it pressed so Anna can take our Bridal pictures next Sunday. I can't wait.
Til next time everyone..... Bye!
The past week has been quite eventful for us. Harley got shot in the rump by a pellet gun of some sort. That was quite fun (for him I'm sure) extracting. I thought for sure it was a tick (as I sat on the floor gagging at the thought of a nasty germ infested bug being burrowed into my puppy). Paul and I were both shocked to find it was in fact, not a tick, but a pellet. Poor puppy. We have watched the wound for a few days now and it seems to be healing up just fine without any medical attention. That's a relief! We are still not sure who was dumb enough to hurt our dog the 1st time... dang sure they won't be so lucky the 2nd time by getting away with it. Stupid neighborhood kids.
Today was Paul's family reunion. I was lucky enough to get a girl from work to switch weekend shifts with me so I could attend. It was wonderful having a weekend off with Paul. We got up early this morning and took Harley to his mom and dad's to run around while we drove to a boot shop in Harrisonburg, VA. I have been itching to get a pair of cowboy boots for quite some time and today was my lucky day. I found a pair that I really like. They are simple and brown. Nothing too fancy. So far, they fit great and I love having them on. After the boot shop, we picked the puppy up and headed over to the reunion. It was a great opportunity to meet a lot of Paul's family.
Not much else going on in our life at the moment. Church tomorrow and hopefully come home, lay on the couch and take a long Sunday nap. My goals for this next week are to 1. get my hair cut 2. FINALLY change my name and get a new drivers license 3. pick up my wedding dress from having it pressed so Anna can take our Bridal pictures next Sunday. I can't wait.
Til next time everyone..... Bye!
Monday, October 4, 2010
It's been almost 3 months
Since Paul and I got married. It's amazing to think that the time has flown by like it has. It will be 3 months on Saturday. It's hard to believe I left Missouri 3 months ago tomorrow. I honestly thought I would be slightly more homesick then I have been. But, I also know I have (for the most part) kept myself pretty busy. Between the wedding, settling into our new home, looking for work and starting a new job, it has not given me much down time. I will be flying back home at the end of the month (October 28th - 31st). It will be a quick visit, but much needed at the same time. My dad is taking the day off so he can pick me up at the airport in St. Louis and then spend the morning/early afternoon with me before dropping me off at my mom's school. I'm excited to spend some father/daughter time with him. My plans with my mom are still a little up in the air... but as of today... we will be going to Kimswick, Mo for the Apple Butter Festival. I went a couple years when I lived in St. Louis and loved it. The atmosphere is very midwest and just laid back feeling. The festival has fun crafts and HUGE corndogs which are amazing! I'm so excited to see my parents.
Paul's work schedule is finally calming down a little bit. I love having him home during the week. I missed seeing him. He's still keeping busy with UVA football and the occasional conceert. I count myself blessed every night that he's home with me.
I attended my first PBR at the John Paul Jones arena here in Charlottesville. I did not know I enjoyed bull riding so much. I'm still trying to decide if I like the bull riding itself more or the clown that was cracking jokes between riders. I was sitting in the audience while Paul was working. We were "together" in a round about sorta way I guess. At least I tell myself we were!
Harley is still a good little puppy. Well, minus the fact that he now enjoys chewing on thigns made of fabric... aka... our bedding... 2 big dog pillows, a blanket, and his poor fabric toy. That little buy didnt stand a chance (picture to come). He loves going for walks but does not so much enjoy riding in cars. He has aproblem with getting car sick. We have yet to go on an outing when he does not puke all over our car. We started putting a blanket over the back seat so he can puke to his hearts content. Poor puppy.
Well, I think that's about it for now. Hope everyone is doing well!
Paul's work schedule is finally calming down a little bit. I love having him home during the week. I missed seeing him. He's still keeping busy with UVA football and the occasional conceert. I count myself blessed every night that he's home with me.
I attended my first PBR at the John Paul Jones arena here in Charlottesville. I did not know I enjoyed bull riding so much. I'm still trying to decide if I like the bull riding itself more or the clown that was cracking jokes between riders. I was sitting in the audience while Paul was working. We were "together" in a round about sorta way I guess. At least I tell myself we were!
Harley is still a good little puppy. Well, minus the fact that he now enjoys chewing on thigns made of fabric... aka... our bedding... 2 big dog pillows, a blanket, and his poor fabric toy. That little buy didnt stand a chance (picture to come). He loves going for walks but does not so much enjoy riding in cars. He has aproblem with getting car sick. We have yet to go on an outing when he does not puke all over our car. We started putting a blanket over the back seat so he can puke to his hearts content. Poor puppy.
Well, I think that's about it for now. Hope everyone is doing well!
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