I cannot believe July has not only come, but is long gone. September is quickly approaching. Paul and I were married in the Washington D.C LDS Temple on July 9th and it was all in all a beautiful day. We could not have asked for anything better. Here is a quick recap of the days leading up to the wedding and the week after:
What's the fun of celebrating the happiest day of your life without a little snag to make you want to sit on the couch and cry? The A/C went out on our house the day before the wedding. Lucky for us, it was only in the mid 90's that week so it was not completely unbearable. We have a lot of trees in our yard so the house is well shaded. Paul jumped on the phone and contacted a co-worker of his who told him to call a guy who is a former police officer with the city of Charlottessville, VA. Lucky for us (so we thought) he was already heading out the Lake to look at another A/C unit. He came by, told us that it needed a new compressor. Within a couple hours, the A/C was up and running and we were feeling really lucky b/c he did not charge us a dime or the part or the labor. Let's just say... Paul will not be writing him a ticket if he pulls him over for speeding! The nice man left and within an hour or so after feeling like we lucked out, the house started warming up AGAIN. Yep, it broke... AGAIN! This time it was the fan. We were still feeling pretty lucky b/c we were not going to have to replace the entire unit... but we were not going to be able to get it fixed until after the wedding. That's well and good, but my poor family had to stay at our house without any air. They were troopers. The A/C repair man was able to locate a fan for our unit and it was back up and running by the end of the next week. We did have to stay in the house for a few days after the wedding without A/C but we survived.
The wedding was wonderful. We had aprox 10 people at the wedding itself which was perfect. We wanted it small and simple. My friend Marcie flew in from Utah and my cousin flew in from Boise, ID. I loved having them both there. The wedding was at 11:00 and we were done with pictures and everything by 3:00. It was great! Our families headed back to Charlottesville after the wedding and Paul and I stayed at a nice hotel in Bethesda, MD. Bethesda is a quaint little community. I would love to go back and tour the city. From what the woman at the check in desk said, there are a lot of fun things to do around town. Maybe for an anniversary in the future!
Saturday morning we got up and headed to Paul's parents house for a luncheon. It was nice having both families together. I'm glad everyone seemed to get alone. The reception was at one of our local ward buildings in C'ville. We probably had 70 people at the reception. Paul and I were both glad there we not more. Neither of us enjoy feeling like we are on display. The people who meant something to him showed up. We had a beautiful cake (made for us by Kaylyn, Paul's sister) and we did all the traditional... cake cutting, first dance, bouquet toss, garter toss, etc. I will post pictures as soon as I get them from my cousin! The reception was beautiful!
The week after the wedding was fun. Instead of spending money on a honeymoon, we decided to buy a new couch and paint our livingroom/diningroom. I'll find pictures and post those as well.
Random things that have been going on in our life... I FINALLY found a job. I will be working at Skyline Cleaners in C'ville. I looked for weeks for a job that would allow me to attend church on Sundays and be home in the evenings with Paul. I was blessed with this opportunity. The best part is that it will be very low stress and I won't be bringing my work home with me like I have had to with previous jobs. The hours are perfect and I finally feel like I will be contributing! I am in desperate need of getting out there and meeting people, so hopefully this will help a little. One of the best parts is that I will be working with Paul's sister Anna most of the week. We should have a good time together. Also, Congrats to Paul! He made his 1st batch of brownies from a box. I honestly was quite shocked when he told me he had never made brownies before... I thought it deserved a picture. He did a great job. I'm so proud of him :) We bought a WII after the wedding and have had a good time doing that together. We think our MII's are quite cute. I thought they deserved a picture too :)
I don't know much else right now. I'll post more soon... I promise!