Paul will be in Missouri the day after tomorrow and I am thrilled. On Sunday, I began convincing myself that this week was going to sluggishly go by.... but I have been proven wrong! Tomorrow is already Wednesday! On Mon, Wed and Friday's I work 2 jobs so hopefully tomorrow will fly by like today and yesterday did.
We are down to 51 days! My friend Brad got married on Saturday and it dawned on me that Paul and I's wedding is right around the corner. Paul's visit to Missouri this next weekend will be our last visit before July. The wedding is July 9th but I will be moving July 5th. His sister Randi is flying into St. Louis so she can drive with me back to Charlottesville, VA. I am really looking forward to my trip with her.
Paul bought our first lawn mower this past week. He did not have the proper tools to put the wheels on so we both joked that he should have put it up on blocks (like a broken down car... ok, maybe that was just funny at the time). He did get the wheels put on over the weekend and finally got the grass cut. I am sure it looked a lot better! He has been busy with work... working a LOT of weekends and overtime. I really appreciate all of his hard word. I never hear him complain about the events he has to attend. He's amazing.
I have been busy with work. I picked up a part time job 3 evenings a week. I have really enjoyed the time I have been able to spend with this family. I had a personal tragedy a little over a week ago. I came home from work to find several of my African Cichlids had died sometime during the day. I was heart broken. Somehow my fish tank had acquired a parasite and I could not treat it. Believe me... I sure gave it a try. Yesterday, I finally had to say fair well to my last 2 fish in the tank. I hate looking at an empty tank.... but, I do believe the loss of my fish have been a true blessing in my life. I will get to move my tank to Virginia and have a chance to start over with fish. I am really looking forward to picking out new fish with Paul.
Update on wedding stuff:
I still don't have a dress. The fabric is in a bag in my closet. It will sit there until the 19th of June. I have friends who do dress fitting after dress fitting and I will be danged if I do that to myself. My mom is making my dress so I know it will be perfect! If she makes it 3 weeks before the wedding, there are not enough hershey kisses in the world to make it so I don't fit in the dress!
We ordered most of the items for the reception over the weekend. Boxes should be showing up on the front step any day now. We will be ordering the flowers in a couple weeks. That is what's new as of today!
I don't think we ever posted our engagement picture. I 'll post it now! Enjoy :)